Archbishop Demetrios of America to Present Oxi Day Archbishop Damaskinos Award


His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, will be presenting the Oxi Day Archbishop Damaskinos Award at a ceremony with the Jewish Community on Friday, October 28th as part of the First Annual Washington Oxi Day Celebration.

The Oxi Day Archbishop Damaskinos Award will recognize an individual for his or her courageous action to stop anti-Semitism or discrimination. The award is inspired by the actions of Archbishop Damaskinos, the spiritual leader of the Orthodox faithful of Greece during the Nazi occupation of that country.  Damaskinos has been recognized by the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and featured on the front page of Time Magazine for his unique formal and public condemnation of the persecution and deportation of Jewish Greeks, which he risked his life to do. The Archbishop is also credited with saving thousands of Jewish lives through his instructions to Greek Orthodox monasteries, convents and churches to shelter Jews and his efforts to provide Christian baptismal certificates to Jews fleeing persecution.

As a young student, Archbishop Demetrios personally knew Archbishop Damaskinos.

Jewish community leaders, policymakers and national opinion leaders will be joining leaders in the Greek American community at this event.

Archbishop Demetrios will also address the attendees at the Washington Oxi Day Celebration Black Tie Dinner on Thursday, October 27th.

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